In my last entry I was at the point in my life that I became diabetic. This in its self is not that big a problem as long as you take care of yourself which I do. What makes this event a family crisis is that again we are without an income. The only benefit is that we have become a low income family and that alone allowed my to make the decision to go back to school and figure out what to do next. Retirement and student loans allowed us to keep our house and put food on the table. My wife and I made the decision to do something that all my past teachers said would be impossible for me to do, become a teacher. I had a goal to provide for my family and become a teacher. Through the college I attended I obtained a part time position in a after school program in one of the local school districts, which gave my family extra income. I went to school from 7 am to 3pm worked till 6:30pm, then studied sometimes to 2 am. I received top grades in all subjects and I received my 4 year college degree and my teaching credentials after 3 years while most people take 5 to 6 years. I was very proud of myself. Now to find a job. I started looking for work while I was still in my final student teaching. I went to 80 interviews and nothing. Finally, I interviewed for a job 4 hours away from home and was offered the job. The next day, I saw a job at a small school in the country 20 mins away from my house, so I applied and interviewed the very same day. I was offered that job an hour later. I couldn’t believe this was happening, my wife was so happy that we didn’t have to move. Someone was looking after me that day, and has been all along. Once, I was settled into the new teaching job I was told I was eligible to get my student loans paid off due to the school being low income and low preforming. I thought wow finally, things are going my way it was about time. But in the back of my mind I was thinking when is the next hammer going to fall. Well, one day I was tired of thinking this way, my oldest son is now receiving social security for his disibility, and how long is that going to last. We have him in a college enabler program in hopes he can provide for himself one day. I don’t want to let anything go to chance anymore, so I decided to go looking for another source of income, which I have found several very reliable sources. I was been spending the last year learning everything I can about online marketing, network marketing and website search engine optimization. Well, here it is 2009, new president of USA and the economy is in the tank my school district is laying off 150 teachers. I didn’t get a pink slip but I don’t know if I can stay in there if there is a second wave of lay offs. Thank God he is in my head telling me to keep moving forward. I have several streams of income now, one of which I have dedicated to my oldest sons future. In the up coming installments of this blog I will attempt to review my programs for my readers, and if any of this helps anyone out there, it was worth it.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Stay at Mom’s Story Part 4
Posted by
Mark A Phelps
8:10 PM
Labels: economy, online business, stay at home mom's business opportunity
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
On Stay at Home Mom’s Story part 3
After over a decade of being a law enforcement officer I was driving long haul truck. I actually enjoyed driving truck. I got to see a lot of our great country, USA. Well, it didn’t last long I drove long haul for 3 years and then regional driving, 5 western states so I could be home more.
However, that was it while driving through the desert in my big truck heading toward Los Angeles my eye sight went south. My vision was so blurry I had to pull over till it cleared, and it did. This kept up for awhile until my hands went numb. I knew then that I had another serious problem. Well, I had to take some time off to go to the doctor. While at my doctors office they took my history again, ran some tests. When all was said and done I was diabetic, and I knew I was finished as a driver. Wow, was this ever to end. See where I am at now: Phelps Consultanting
Posted by
Mark A Phelps
7:19 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Stay at Home Mom’s Story part 2
On to part two of my life. As you found out in part one my family was in turmoil, my wife and I were out of work, two sons were in the hospital with one son at home. Well, when I got out of the hospital myself I found myself in financial ruin. I took a couple months to figure out how to get out of all the medical bills. My wife and I did not want to file bankruptcy however, with over a million in debt to the hospitals we had no choice. We made a deal with our mortgage company for extra time to catch up. I then trained myself to drive big rig trucks and landed myself a job with a large trucking company. After 2 months of working I was able to catch the mortgage up and was able to keep my wife home to care for the kids, we have two of the three home now. I worked three in a half years in trucking which enabled us to pay for a legal fees to get our third son back. He was able to leave the hospital but social services didn’t want to return him to us. After four years of fighting the system we were able to get our oldest son back.
The trouble wasn’t over however, I got sick while driving truck…… All I could think was why us.
Check out where I am at now:MarkPhelpsrecommends
Stay tuned to part three of my story.
Posted by
Mark A Phelps
11:03 PM
Labels: online business, stay at home mom's business opportunity
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Stay at Home Mom’s Story part 1
Let me tell you it is not easy being me, I have been married for the last 28 years to the same women. We have three boys all of which are in college. My wife and I have a 2700 sq ft. home 5 bedrooms with a pool 1500 sq ft patio with outdoor kitchen. I also have a detached 3 car garage with a 35 foot 5th wheel trailer for trips that my wife and I take. I am a 3rd grade teacher and my wife is a operational supervisor for an alarm company. Looks like we are living the American Dream. Well, It didn’t start out that way.
I started out in the US Air Force as a security policemen and became a full time Police Officer at the age of 22 where I met my wife who was my dispatcher. Our careers took off, we got married and bought our first house a year later. Our first child was born a year after that, and the problems began. We had the 3 boys. The first was born with disabilities, the second had a sleep disorder where he couldn’t get past ream sleep which caused hallucinations. We spent the next 4 years dealing with that until our first boy hallucintions became violent. He spent the next 4 years in a hospital setting. As you see looking at my life now, you would never know how we got to our life now.
Life as a Police Officer wasn’t all fun and games either. during my 13th year on the force I was involved in a traumatic event that caused me to spend 4 months in a mental hospital. I still don’t remember all that happened, but I can’t spend any time at Wendy’s the burger joint. Well, I was forced to retire and my wife lost her job as well due to spending so much time at my son’s hospital. We went from a income of over 95,000 a year to almost losing our house with a combined income of 20,000. Wow, what a mess we had.
I can attribute our life today to that mess… we are real people with real problems that have succeeded!!!
Stay tuned for more on my life. check out how I am succeeding in business today. Mark Phelps Recommends
Posted by
Mark A Phelps
6:16 PM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
9 Ways To Get Backlinks To Your Website
9 Ways To Get Backlinks To Your Website
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Posted by
Mark A Phelps
10:14 PM