Monday, December 31, 2007

Put $200-$600 in your pocket every day!!


Put An Extra $200-$600 In Your Pocket A Day... GUARANTEED!!!

How would you like to have access to Unlimited, Pre-Qualified,
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It doesn't matter if you are in EDC Gold, The Reverse Funnel System, Passport to Wealth, Coastal Vacations, Herbalife, My Powermall, Wealthy Marketer,
Little Guy Network, Prepaid Legal....

It Just Doesn't Matter! As we are not here to try and switch you...

Join our FREE call and get access to Unlimited PreQualified Targeted
Prospects for Your Existing Home Business.

You know...that doing PPC, Banner Ads, Ezines, Opt-in, Double Opt in
leads just don't work as well as they used to!

The 'Top Dogs' in every Home Business all have one thing in common:
They Harvest Their Own Leads!!!

Please be my guest for this wonderful Cure for the Home
Business Blues!

Register for the calls here: http://MARKPHELPSONLINE.COM

Hope to see you there!!!

Mark A Phelps

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

टिप्स ओं नेत्वोर्क Marketing

One of the most powerful network marketing tips you could ever get is to make a good impression on your prospects from the get go.

Very few network marketers still don't realize that most new recruits will actually be joining them and not their business opportunity. So how you convey your message to any prospect the first time you speak with them will have a big bearing on whether they pursue your offer any further.

The Desperate Marketer vs. Smart Marketer

There is a big difference between being a desperate marketer and a smart marketer. The desperate marketer will place their needs ahead of their prospects from the very first time they speak. A smart marketer will treat the first call as a fact finding mission so they can then tailor a solution for the prospect.

Network Marketing Tip - Initial Phone Conversation

Take this network marketing tip to the bank... when you first speak to any prospect remember, it's all about them. Here are some tips in creating a good impression first up:

- Make a proper introduction. Always ask if this is a good time for them. Once the initial introductions are out of the way then...

- You need to establish the prospects why and desires. What time frame they have set themselves to achieve these.

- Make sure you listen carefully to their responses. Write them down.

- When you ask a question, avoid interrupting the prospect or cutting them off. Remember, it's about them. Before you ask a question, wait until they have finished speaking and then pause briefly before asking your question.

Network Marketing Tip - What Not To Do

As far as network marketing tips are concerned, avoiding a desperate demeanor on the phone is high on the list. For example, many new recruits are so excited about speaking to their first prospect they already have them recruited and placed in their downline before they've even spoken with them.

You should never ask your prospect to join your business because you're in the best company which has the best products, life-changing in fact, and they have the best compensation plan bar none.

Yes, you know this is true but all the prospect will see is a desperate individual trying to sign them up at any cost. In fact, you'll come across as having no interest in their needs, only yours.

This first contact should be limited in time. Your main aim is to understand what's important to the prospect and then leave them with some information to go over before your next appointment. This is one of the best network marketing tips you'll ever hear.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Why Your Network Marketing Opportunity Cannot Be Put On Auto Pilot

Can you automate your network marketing opportunity? This is an extremely pertinent question today with the internet becoming such an important part of business.

Let's get one thing clear...if you have been attracted to the MLM business with the promise that you just join and all the work will be done for you, then you are joining for all the wrong reasons. You need to go back to the drawing board and figure out exactly how serious you are about achieving financial wealth.

Maybe it's possible to completely automate other types of businesses but the simple fact is, you cannot possibly apply this automation to your network marketing opportunity for one very valid reason. That is because of the relationship building aspect which is so vital to sustaining a solid long term business.

The MLM business is built on relationship building. It's often referred to as relationship marketing. Without this vital component then any network marketing opportunity is doomed to failure.

So what do we mean by relationship building? The two most important areas of a hands on approach include your lead generation and prospecting, and your training system. Sure, your marketing system can be automated but without your personal follow up, then you'll be frustrated in your efforts to convert your targeted leads into distributors.

Lead Generation And Prospecting

Leads are so crucial to any network marketing opportunity. Let's face it, without them then you may as well forget about growing your downline. Even more important is avoiding the temptation to let someone else do your lead generation for you.

Understand this and you'll be ahead of most other network marketers trying to build their business. Unless you know where your leads are coming from and how they were sourced you will never have control. By implementing your own lead marketing system you have the control of where they are sourced from and the knowledge that they are targeted prospects. This is crucial.


Again, how do you automate training? Letting others train your distributors takes away any control you may have had. Training must be done by you so become duplicatable.

- It's you your prospects will join rather than your network marketing opportunity.

- It's you they need to trust and like before they commit themselves to a business.

- It's you they will turn to for advice and guidance if they encounter any obstacles.

Without your relationship input then your network marketing opportunity really has no foundation. It's you who will be responsible for holding it together and not an automated system. Additional training that I have done on my own was done with leadership club, a wonderful tool an any business, it also provides leads.

Sorry a shameless plug.