You're about to learn the secret to network marketing success. Yes, this one tactic will leverage your business to unparalleled levels.
The truth is it's not really a secret but just simply common sense. Can you remember clearly what attracted you to your opportunity? Apart from the lure of making a lot of money, it was probably the simple prospecting strategy employed by your sponsor.
Stick To The System
This was certainly the case in my situation. But you know, a funny thing happened. After being drawn into the opportunity by way of a simple report teaching the fundamentals of network marketing success, I was then steered down the path of buying leads and cold calling my prospects over the phone.
What's up with that? You see, the downfall of many new distributors is using one system to attract good targeted prospects and then sabotaging their business by asking them to employ an entirely different strategy. Why? Because the simple fact of the matter is, people hate cold calling and it's easier for a sponsor to ask their new distributor to do the dirty work rather than themselves.
Successful distributors with huge downlines are often apt to play the numbers game. They already have reached a level of financial security where losing some of their downline through these practices really doesn't make much impression on their overall business success. In the process, those who drop out will be replaced by new distributors.
Relationship Building
Network marketing success relies a lot on developing a strong relationship with your prospects. It starts with the offer of something of value such as a report. It then progresses to a meeting between you and your prospect and this is when you can really hit home the fact you know what you're talking about by training the prospect even before they've joined your business.
After they join, you then teach them the simple process which ultimately attracted them to you and your opportunity. Under no circumstances ask them to do what you're not prepared to do yourself. It will kill duplication within your organization and will damage your reputation. This may work when your downline is thousands of people strong but is a surefire way to "the poor house" for somebody just starting out.
So in one sentence, the secret to network marketing success can simply put down to finding a successful system and teaching your prospects to apply the same system. When you do this, real magic can take place.
For more great business opportunities check out: Pay it Forward
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Finding The Secret To Network Marketing Success
Posted by
Mark A Phelps
7:37 PM
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