I like to use the Attraction Model of attracting leads to my network marketing business. Attracting network marketing leads to your business has become a lot easier since the introduction of the internet.
The old methods of approaching family and friends as well as occasional acquaintances to take a look at your offer have been the downfall of many distributors who simply "hit a brick wall" when it came to the crunch time of talking to people about their opportunity.
Does this scenario apply to you? You join a company and go through the company training. You're excited about the business and can't wait to tell people about it. Yet, when the excitement has died down this feeling of fear suddenly comes over you as you realize it's now time to put into practice what you've been taught.
You know the opportunity is a good one and you know it is the vehicle to propel you to reach your financial goals BUT...it's network marketing and everyone hates network marketing right? How will you handle the ridicule and rejection when the people close to you discover you've joined one of those pyramid schemes and are now trying to push it onto them?
Targeted Lead Generation
You do not want to prospect people in your circle of influence until you become successful in your business. These are not the network marketing leads you want to be concentrating on. In fact, handling this type of rejection and ridicule is a topic for another article. What we're going to concentrate on is how to attract Multi-level Marketing leads to your business without being laughed off the planet!
The secret is in attracting people who actually want to hear about your offer. In other words, targeted leads. Approaching anyone and everyone is not the way to source leads. It's an unprofessional way to do business and will convey an image of desperation on your part.
The internet has breathed new life into lead generation for the Multi-level Marketing business in such a way that many are building successful downlines simply through targeted leads obtained online.
Now you may be thinking "well, I'll just go and spend several hundred dollars and purchase a few thousand leads from a lead generation company." No, that's a shortcut to going broke. When you do this you don't have control over the type of leads you will receive.
In the main, these are extremely unreliable and who's to know how many times these leads have been used even though they are promoted as fresh and targeted.
How To Source Targeted Leads
The best network marketing leads are the ones you source yourself. How? - By offering people something of value. By setting yourself up as someone who knows what they're talking about. - By building a blog or a website on network marketing and having an optin form to a report of some type which people can download for free. - By promoting yourself to people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer. - By building a relationship with your leads before you even talk to them about your offer. Now, be careful do not go out there and buy a newsletter, downline a whole bunch of ebooks to give away. Do your research there are plenty of companies who offer this type of marketing. Once you find the right company learn from them and when you are ready you can develop your own newsletters, and ebooks to market. If you want to start now start with a blog and try your hand at writing articles.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Attracting Multi-Level Leads vs. traditional method
Posted by
Mark A Phelps
5:02 PM
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